Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Meredith Whitney on Banks & Housing Deflation

This 6 minute video clip from CNBC features Meredith Whitney who is well known as a banking analyst. In this interview she tells us that the banking model is broken and likely to shrink, new payment systems are likely to take market share from legacy banks and the housing market is definitely going to go through a second round of deflation.

The CNBC video clip is not able to be embedded so here is a link to it on their site. Meredith Whitney interview from March 16, 2010.

In addition, she has separately made the point that banks have stopped lending the way they did before the crisis began. Her contention is that there is no way they are going to take on more risk before they deal with the risk they already own. In addition, the securitization market they used to refinance the credit they owned is no longer functioning. They are trapped! The chart below from the St Louis Federal Reserve seems to support her point.